1. From the top menu, click on Events > My events.
2. On the Drafts tab, from the My events list, click on the Name of the event you would like to publish.
3. On the top-right corner of the My events bar, click the Publish button. The Publish confirmation window will open.
4. Review the details in the confirmation window; if you are ready to publish, click the Publish button at the bottom. Your event will now be live and publicly available.
5. Share your event through the Public link, by embedding the event details in your website.
To edit an already published event, you will need to unpublish it first.
1. From the top menu, click on Events > My events. You will see your list of events.
2. From the Drafts/Published/Ended tabs, click on the Published tab.
3. From the list of Published events, click on the Name of the event you would like to change.
4. On the top-right corner of the My events bar, click the Unpublish button. Your event will move back into the Drafts tab.
(For additional instructions, see How can I change a published event? Unpublishing an Event)