How do I see orders in Magnet?
Open your Event:
- From the top menu, click on Events > My events.
- From the tabs, depending on the status of your event, click on the Published tab (for live, upcoming events) or the Ended tab (for past events).
- From the My events list, click on the Name of the event for which you would like to see the orders. (Or click on the event’s Settings cog icon in the right-most column.) The event Overview tab will open.
Go to the Orders tab:
- From the left-hand menu, click on the Orders tab.
- In the Orders window, you can see a list of individual orders, including who bought the ticket, ticket ID number, date and time purchased, quantity of tickets, price, discount, total price, and payment method.
- To see more order details, including the booking types, click on the name of The booker.
Also see: Differentiating Order Information from Participant Information Keeping order details and participant details separate.