Where do I add event contact and social media details?
You can add the event contact’s information and the event social media links on the Event Settings > Contact tab.
Open your Draft Event:
- From the top menu, click on Events > My events. You will see your list of events.
- From the three tabs, click on the Drafts tab.
- From the My events list, click on the Name of the event you would like to update.
Open the Event Settings:
- On the top-right corner of the My events bar, click the Event Settings cog icon. The Event Settings window will open.
Go to the Contact tab:
- From the left-hand menu, click on the Contact tab.
- Fill in the contact information to be displayed on the event page.
- At the bottom, click the Save button.
Note: To edit an already published event, you will need to unpublish it first. (For instructions, see How can I change a published event? Unpublishing an Event.)